Begin With The End in Mind!

Get A Free Start-Ups to  Growth and Freedom Strategy  Consultation

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Our Five Steps Business Growth And Freedom  Road Map for Start Ups

If you are thinking about setting up a business we have a powerful framework that provides a blueprint for the complete success of your enterprise to freedom.Using and following this coaching framework will give you a roadmap to building a true business asset- company that continues to progress and produce profits even without your day-to-day involvement to the retirement and or sale of your business.

Creation-Research Model Launch

You begin as an unknown in the marketplace, so you have to research a viable niche or approach for your business, develop a working prototype of your business model, and launch your enterprise. This step is called “creation” and the first thing we’ll do together is ensure you lay a sure foundation for it, …because until you do, you’ll be dramatically hindered in your ability to transform your business into a profit-producing asset.

Disorder-Invest Drive Grow

This step is every bit as chaotic as it sounds!It’s when you begin waging the often-bloody battle of becoming cash flow positive. You do it by investing heavily in sales and marketing and other high-impact growth strategies. 

Control-Organise Measure Adjust

With this step, you convert cash flow into profit by stabilising and organising your operations, measuring your well-chosen performance metrics, and fine-tuning and adjusting the business model. This step is all about systems: organising the business in such a way that YOU aren’t needed for every decision, every sale, every day-to-day interaction with staff and customers.  

Prosperity-Organise Measure Adjust


Your goal here is to solidify a position of dominance in your niche market by economising and optimising for efficiencies. This will allow you to continue to invest in growth and repay debt. When you’ve reached this point, you can really start to enjoy the fruits of your hard work and sacrfices.

Freedom-Reproduce Acquire Harvest

Your final act now is to reproduce yourself and develop a strong core of leaders who will continue to grow the business through partnerships, joint ventures, and acquisitions.

At this point, you will enjoy the luxury that comes from having free time…and free cash flow.


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London Coaching Services

601 International House
223 Regent Street, W1B 2QD. London
