Building a solid foundation for success
Before you can start your online marketing campaign you need to work through the six steps for success. This will help you flush out a plan to find success. This week you’ll take that plan and learn how to turn it into a solid foundation.
Starting with a firm foundation
Your road to successful online marketing begins with a solid foundation. One major component of that foundation is a company website. Your company website should represent the products and services your company has to offer. It should have all of the nine basic elements of a good website. These elements can take your customers from start to checkout with ease.
What should your website truly mean to you?
Your website design speaks volumes about your company. Each page on your site should reflect your company and be attractive to visitors. You can choose to spend very little on your website if you plan to do a more of the maintenance yourself. Website hosting on the World Wide Web will cost you a little out of pocket each month. You then have to decide if you will build your own website, which requires a little more knowledge. You could also choose to use a template or even hire someone to do it all. We’ll talk about the options and costs associated with this.
Once your website is up and running, you need to convert visitors into paying customers. There are a series of conversion strategies to choose. One of those strategies is to have a well-defined landing page in which customers immediately recognise why they’re on your site and what they need to do.
Why keeping an eye on your customers helps
It’s essential to keep track of your customers. Set up forms with customer information so that you can contact every customer again in the future. It is also important to measure the effectiveness of your website. You’ll learn how to measure site visits, page views, referring websites, and much more vital information. Once you have this information, you can determine where your online marketing dollars are best spent.
Next week we’re going to take a look at online presence and what it really means. You’ll learn exactly what an online presence is and how that presence can draw customers in and increase your sales. An online presence is also about building brand recognition, another major component to success in an online world.